Some of the sidewalks in Bali are in desperate need of repair. This is a prime example, yikes! I am going to really enjoy spending time in Singapore this week even if it just to appreciate the safe sidewalks without holes.
Monday, December 14, 2009
danger, danger
Some of the sidewalks in Bali are in desperate need of repair. This is a prime example, yikes! I am going to really enjoy spending time in Singapore this week even if it just to appreciate the safe sidewalks without holes.
scarey sidewalks
Friday, December 11, 2009
a monkey riding a bike
slow internet
I think I might post a little more often if my internet was faster. The tortuous event of uploading a photo is a bit much...errrr. Just a small complaint.
slow internet in Bali
Monday, September 14, 2009
Electricity Bill for a month: $2.80. Definately the smallest electrical bill I have ever paid. Some things are very inexpensive in Bali.
Expenses in Bali
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
New House
I am finally in our new house. We have a mango tree in the yard and it is the first year it is producing fruit. Right now, the baby mangoes are about the size of a pea; but, I am hoping they make it to full size. I am going to do research on what to do with a surplus of mangoes.....I am not sure? My parent's had an apple tree and the obvious answer was: apple crisp, apple sauce, apple pie ... Regardless, I am excited. Delicious mangoes!!
Bali Indonesia,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I am waiting to move into our new place. It will be nice to finally have a home again....and internet!!!! Kate, I managed to read your blog recently... and I wish I could have been at the Handsome Family concert- it would have been so much fun!! I am definately missing home this week...
missing home
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
no camera
Our camera seems to be beyond repair. I mentioned it was dropped in a drainage ditch and we thought it might eventually dry out, doesn't seem like it is going to happen. When it fell in, due to a series of clumsy events, I had no intention of plunging my arm into the water, no way!! But, Regan laid down on the road and sunk his arm straight in to retrieve the camera. ( Regan explained that it is mostly for water overflow from rain so the roads don't flood...but I have an imagination...I used baby wipes to wash his hands and arms.....) Anyway, it was a good thing he managed to get it back because our memory card was fine, whew.. Clumsy events were: standing by our car in the pouring rain and trying to find the keys in my purse, the camera rolling out, Regan trying to hand Marije to me and I was too flustered to react.... into ditch....aahh.
Bali drainage ditch
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Gili Meno and Gili T, small Islands off of Lombok, Indonesia
Once on the fast ferry to Gili T, with the Russian still playing his music, we looked out the windows in the hope we would see dolphins. Apparently, you can sometimes see dolphins on this route but we were not so lucky. Next time I hope. But, the bright blue ocean was lovely- wow! ( Note, trying to use a small bathroom on a boat is very challenging) the next post I will talk about Gili Meno...kind of tired and I have already said way too much.
Gili T and Gili Meno,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Bali bird park...
Two weeks ago we visited the Bali bird park. It really is a nice place to walk around; but, I did feel like I had to be cautiously on guard as there were many large birds just hanging out. To be honest, I was not
........ There are baby finches building nests in my back yard. I love it! I would take a picture but I recently dropped our camera in a drainage ditch and it has not recovered.
Bali bird park
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Aventures with Air Asia..
I have learnt a couple things about flying with Air Asia. Firstly, it is really essential to pay for your lugguge online and not at the airport- whew, what a mistake!!! My family took two seperate Air Asia flights in one day and each time we had to pay lugggage fees. For the first flight, we checked in at Hong Kong airport to fly to Kuala Lumpur and then in the afternoon we were catching a flight to Bali from Kuala Lumpur. Catching our first flight was no problem. We checked in and paid our extra fees and we were shortly on the first leg of our journey. Of course, earlier that day we had tried to check in our baggage at the train station, a nice service that Hong Kong airport has; but, the Air Asia counter was closed. So, we had to take all our lugguge to the airport and check in the old fashioned the airport... the first irritating moment of our day. Once arriving in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia we had a flight to be on in 1 hour. This is when the confusion began...... We had to go through customs, collect our baggage, and then go through the whole process of checking in. I felt a bit afraid when I saw the huge lineup for customs but we managed to get through quickly. Earlier, when exiting the airplane there had been some confusion of where our stroller would be; so, we had left the plane and then had to go back to the airplane to find the stroller as, for some reason, it was not with our normal baggage... confusing...... Once we finally had all our lugguge we had to find the appropriate international Air Asia counter, it was not easy. Then, we had to get out money to pay for our luggage, again. Regan went to go get money while I waited for our airline boarding passes. Once I had the airline boarding passes in hand we ran to our gate. By this point, we were already late for our flight. At the gate, we realized we were missing a boarding pass. I had no idea if they had either neglected to print one or if we had dropped one in the rush to the gate. So, Regan ran back to get a new boarding pass and, of course, they did not want to print one for him. After some arguement we had a new boarding pass and we were finally ready to catch the flight to Bali. The next thing that was quite funny, we were escorted onto the wrong airplane.....we almost went to Saigon, haha! We suspected we were on the wrong airplane as our seats were taken. I cannot believe we eventually made our flight. I think in the end we were about half an hour or more late for our flight. None of the other customers yelled at me.....a good thing. The airline staff were annoyed because they had to unload our baby stroller from the airplane to Saigon and reload it onto the flight to Bali. To say the least, it was a very long day and I was very relieved to arrive safely in Bali. When I fly with them again I will definately not take two flights in one day or take more than one very small bag......but, the flights are a great value!
Air Asia
Thursday, May 14, 2009
..finding a hotel

We tried to book a hotel in Hong Kong before leaving but, it did not happen. So, once arriving and carting way too much stuff : baby car seat, stroller, suitcases... we hailed a cab and asked to be taken to the hotel we wanted. The hotel was chosen due to its close proximity to a friend's house. Unfortunately, the taxi driver did not know where the hotel was and actually was furious that we had no address. This is one of the first times I have had a taxi driver mad at me......and as we wanted to get out of the cab as quick as possible we asked to be taken to the closest hotel. We were dropped at this hotel: and it turned out to be quite nice. The room was small but very tasteful and the shower was great and it included breakfast!!! Luckily, the Sohotel was very pleasant and the angry driver directed us to a good place.
taxi driver
prices in Bali
Today I bought 1030 grams of fresh tomatoes for 60 cents. There are better deals to be had as these were bought at a market that mostly tourists shop at.
shopping in Bali
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
flight to Hong Kong
I know this is not the best picture, it is kind of fuzzy; but, I think it definately captures how I felt about the flight. My baby, Marije, surprisingly was very good on such a long airplane ride, 13 hours. She did a lot of walking up and down the aisles, made a lot of friends, and napped for a good portion- which was great for me! There were a couple moments when she was very upset at having to sit still..... as this photo illustrates! But, Air canada gave us an extra seat to deal with the baby, as there were empty seats on the flight, and this meant Regan, my husband, got to fully extend his legs.....yay!
So, I have been travelling for a few weeks now.... and I have to say... it is very odd to try and be adventureous and experience new things when I am the kind of person that is always anxious and always afraid of doing simple things, like using a public bathroom. In fact, I think travel books should revolve around bathrooms and where the best one's are. For example, "...this restaurant has great food but the bathroom only gets a three star rating...etc" I think a lot of people would really appreciate a reference guide that directs you to all the clean bathrooms in a city, or I would appreciate it.
travelling in Asia
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
No more waste
I have been thinking a lot about the amount of garbage that is produced. I find it so sad to think about the animals that suffer from all the waste. I would personally like to really make a change..... have my own garden, compost everything I can, and recycle the rest. Hmmm... so far I don't have anywhere for my garden or compost so a few preliminary steps need to be made. I need to buy land... or for an immediate solution... maybe just a huge planter box and a bucket of worms for my compost. Yikes, worms in the house! Anyway, something to think about.
Sunday, February 15, 2009

In the process of feeding my ten month old "grown up" food she leaned over and gave me some surprise kisses. As I am an emotional person this cute gift was well received. I have to admit- my eyes welled up!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
another felt hat

This is my recent felting project: a brown merino wool hat. I still need to add some detailing....however, I am quite pleased with how it turned out. As and added bonus, it is very cosy to wear.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
One of my favourite hobbies has been put on hold since having a baby, owl watching. My fiance and I would go out late, around 2 am, for owl spotting. We would slowly drive around the area of Boundary Bay and listen to music, drink coffee or hot chocolate, and would not give up until we had seen at least one. On the electrical wires were the usual place we would spot owls; but, sometimes we would find them closer to eye level either on a fencepost or traffic sign, thrilling! Mostly we spotted barn owls but once we did see a great horned owl! Unfortunately, no photos as I do not have a proper camera for taking photos at night. One night we saw 10 owls, or more. It is hard to say if we kept seeing the same ones over and over. Regardless, there were a lot of owls out that night, wonderful!
Soon I plan on taking sweet baby out for an adventure to spot Snowy Owls. This will be a daytime adventure involving a lot of layers and a camera. I hope to get some nice pictures if we are lucky enough to find them!
Soon I plan on taking sweet baby out for an adventure to spot Snowy Owls. This will be a daytime adventure involving a lot of layers and a camera. I hope to get some nice pictures if we are lucky enough to find them!
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