Two weeks ago we visited the Bali bird park. It really is a nice place to walk around; but, I did feel like I had to be cautiously on guard as there were many large birds just hanging out. To be honest, I was not

sure how confident I felt about wandering around with all the birds: parrots, cranes, pidgeons... just ready to peck me. I was especially afraid of a particular one winged crane, who I believe, was following us. Regan laughed at me because I was acting so jumpy. I imagine it was amusing to see me flinch or duck everytime a bird walked or flew by, especially since the baby seemed a lot more brave. However, she did not like the parrots, the sound of them made her cry, and the picture I have included shows her ducking. In this park, it is possible to stand very near all the wildlife, as you can see by the close proximity to the Bird's of paradise, one of them flew over me and I swear it brushed the top of my head, exciting (or scarey)!
........ There are baby finches building nests in my back yard. I love it! I would take a picture but I recently dropped our camera in a drainage ditch and it has not recovered.
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